1998 Telecon XVIII Conference Awards


1998 TeleCon XVIII Conference "Most Outstanding Telemedicine Program" Second Place Award


This award is based on program excellence, including the clinical, technical and economic impact nationally and internationally on making high-quality health care widely available through the use of telecommunication technologies. The program was acknowledged as "an exceptional model program with strong telemedicine service, technology assessment and technology training components."

1998 TeleCon XVIII Conference "Most Outstanding Individual in Telemedicine" First Place Award

Dr. Ronald S. Weinstein, Director,
Arizona Telemedicine Program

The TeleCon XVIII National Individual Achievement Award is given to the nominee who has done the most to advance the field of telemedicine and telehealth over a period of time, including the past year. Weinstein was recognized for his work over many years as an innovator in telemedicine and for his role as founding director of the Arizona Telemedicine Program.

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