
Service Provider Directory Logo with ATP, AZ DHS, SWTRC Logos

Company Name: MoodClinics
10210 N. 32nd St.
Ste. C-214
Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Contact Information:
Bill Merchant
Clinical Liaison
Year Incorporated or Founded:
State Incorporated or Founded:
Healthcare Model:
Medical specialty service provider to healthcare providers, Medical specialty service provider to non-healthcare systems
Healthcare Model - Other:
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Medication Management
Corporate Structure:
Private for-profit
Description of Services:

We provide psychiatric diagnosis and medication management for behavioral health facilities and residential treatment homes, assisted living communities, nursing homes, adult day care programs, criminal detention facilities and other programs that care for adults who would benefit from our assistance.

Teleservices - Other:
Psychiatric diagnosis and medication prescription and management
Ancillary Services:
Continuing medical education
Currently providing services in:
Arizona, California
Planning to expand to in near future:
District of Columbia, Florida, Minnesota, Virginia
Healthcare professionals have licenses in:
Arizona, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Minnesota, Virginia
Teleproviders are physically located in:
Arizona, California
Entities company currently partners or is willing to partner with:
Assisted living facilities; Community mental health clinics; Correctional facilities; Rural hospitals; Urban/suburban Hospitals; Nursing homes; Senior communities; Skilled nursing facilities
Entities company currently partners or is willing to partner with - Other:
Behavioral Health Providers and Care Givers
How many patients / direct consumers is your company serving:
Number full-time NP telehealth professionals:
After licensing and credentialing, average time to initiate services to new partner/customer:
Less than 1 month
Telemedicine systems used to connect to customers:
Electronic health records (EHR) incorporated in services:
How EHR interfaces with the EHR of the referring/consulting site:
The system is integrated
Company uses an electronic health record system that is certified by ONC:
Information not available
Other EHR:
Not sure at this time.
Wait time for consultation for emergency services:
10-15 minutes
Wait time for consultation for nonemergent services:
Less than 1 week
Provides Billing Services:
Yes, we do the billing
Payers billed:
Medicare, Medicaid, Private payers (e.g., Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, UnitedHealthcare, Aetna)
Other Payers Billed:
Bundling services for Behavioral Health facilities if approved.
Describe how your teleproviders are recruited and selected:
The principal provider is a Board Certified Mental Health/Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. He is the owner of the business. Other providers may be recruited in the future. If so, they will be recruited through the appropriate channels and will be held to strict standards and qualifications.
Company Payment Model:
Fee for service
Complies with HIPAA and HITECH:
Minimum monthly consultation requirement:
Minimum number of hospital beds:
no minimum
Minimum number of ICU or NICU beds:
no minimum
Additional company information:

We are dedicated to providing psychiatric diagnosis and medication management and prescription services to underserved populations and/or facilities that are in need of a more reliable and efficient way of assisting their patients.

Joined the Directory: 10/12/2016
Information Last Updated: 10/18/2016

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